
Human Rights

1. Purpose and Scope

GITEKS Apparel Industry and Trade Inc. operates with a focus on efficiency and sustainability. It adopts an approach that respects human rights for its employees in the sector in which it operates and for all stakeholders with whom it has business relations, aiming to ensure that fundamental human rights are observed throughout society. The company complies with the principles of the United Nations Cultural Convention. In this context, GITEKS Apparel Industry and Trade Inc. has established the Human Rights Policy.

1.1 The Policy is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Business and Human Rights Principles, and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies.

1.2 The policy primarily covers employees, business partners, and suppliers. GITEKS Apparel Industry and Trade Inc. communicates the rules specified in the Policy to its employees through annual training sessions. It also notifies its employees, business partners, and suppliers to encourage compliance with the principles outlined in the Policy, and incorporates it into contracts.

2. Principle, Commitment and Related Practices

Within the scope of the policy; GITEKS Apparel Industry and Trade Inc.

2.1 Respect for Human Rights

In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it respects universal human rights in the countries where it operates and aims to prevent human rights violations. Additionally, it respects the rights of local populations in the countries where it operates by referencing the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Rights.

2.2 Equal Opportunity, Respect for Differences and Diversity

Without discrimination based on gender, language, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, age, pregnancy, marital status, union membership, political opinion, and similar characteristics, it maintains an equal approach among employees in human resources processes such as remuneration, recruitment, personal and professional development, and within the work environment. It does not tolerate discrimination on these grounds. Operating under the principle of the right person for the right job, it transparently manages processes based on the qualifications, experience, and performance of employees. It respects diversity as a significant element of organizational structure.

2.3 Right to Collective Bargaining and Freedom of Association

It respects employees' rights to collective bargaining and freedom of association.

2.4 Freedom of Expression

It adopts the principle of preventing any situation that would hinder employees' exercise of their right to freedom of expression in the work environment.

2.5 Healthy and Safe Working Conditions

Prioritizing providing employees with safe and satisfactory working conditions and environment, it pursues the "zero accident" target in all activities. It adheres fully to international principles and national laws and regulations regarding Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and commits to providing best practices beyond legal requirements.

2.6 Prevention of Harassment

It does not tolerate incidents such as ill-treatment, intimidation, and harassment in the workplace.

2.7 Prevention of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

It strictly prohibits forced labor and human trafficking.

2.8 Prohibition of Child Labor

In line with the principle of not employing child labor as outlined in the International Labor Organization's Declaration of Fundamental Labor Principles and Rights, it prohibits the use of child labor.

2.9 Prevention of Criminal Acts

It refrains from engaging in actions that could result in crime or human rights violations in the countries where it operates. It expects employees to demonstrate sensitivity in this regard.

2.10 Stakeholder Feedback

It values stakeholders' feedback and opinions on the policy. Feedback regarding the Policy, as well as potential Policy violations and inconsistencies, can be reported directly to management personnel through our open-door policy system within the organization, or via the request and complaint box at +90 (454) 222 14 44/115 or the email address "etik@giteks.com.EN."

3. Compliance, Monitoring, Audit and Reporting

3.1 Responsibility for human rights policy rests with the General Manager at the highest level.

3.2 The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for determining the notification, review and sanction mechanism in case of non-compliance with the human rights policy, rules and regulations, and for the top supervision of its operation.

3.3 GITEKS Apparel Industry and Trade Inc. identifies human rights-related problems that are likely to arise in its activities and the groups that will be most affected by these problems, and tries to reduce and prevent these effects in case of a negative impact on human rights. If human rights are at risk, necessary precautions are taken by contacting the authorities.

3.4 A system has been established to report violations regarding compliance with the Policy, where the identity of the whistleblower will be kept confidential.

3.5 The policy is reviewed annually by the Ethics Committee and the implementation of the policy is monitored. In case of feedback from stakeholders, the Board takes action quickly and reviews the Policy.

4. Resolving Non-Compliance with Policy

4.1 Within the scope of the policy, GITEKS Apparel Industry and Trade Inc. Compensation for rights violations committed by the company and informal complaint mechanisms are being developed.

4.2 The Ethics Committee may seek expert opinion if deemed necessary and may benefit from experts by taking precautions that will not violate confidentiality principles during the investigation. During the investigation, all information and documents requested by the Ethics Committee are provided to the Board. All employees must assist the Ethics Committee in this regard. There will be no retaliation against any employee who raises concerns within the scope of the policy, and reports are handled through confidentiality-protecting processes. Compliance with the Policy may result in disciplinary or criminal action.

5. Effectiveness

The policy comes into force as of 02 APRIL 2019.

6. Public Information

It is mandatory that the Policy be disclosed to all stakeholders and the public. The policy has been shared with all employees, business partners, suppliers and the public. The same obligations apply in case of any changes to the Policy.